Saturday, December 17, 2011

Superb Saturday

"Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts."
Today, my partner, Jenn and I did just that during our Maths workshop.

And like our previous workshops, we learnt so much stuff from our lovely participants.
How we can use toys...stuffed toys to teach Maths at home.
Best part, our kids think they are playing but uh uh, they are 'studying' there!

I'll share more in the next entry but for now I'd like to express my thanks to two people.

First, Mdm Nurani Senari. If it weren't for her message in Facebook, this Maths workshop would have never materialised.
"If we have teachers that share Maths learning tips.....Tuition for parents so we know how to teach our kids at home as well."

Second person, my beautiful Jenn, who, during our lunch date 2 weeks ago, just exclaimed,"What are you waiting for, Nura? Let's do it NOW!"
I was a lil bit hesitant considering I have only just finished a workshop just a few days before. (Baru nak slack kejap.)
But Jenn's energy was just way too infectious. Thanks for the push babester.

(Mdm Nurhidayah, thanks for tagging this pic on Facebook!)

As I'm typing, I (as well as Jenn!) am feeling very happy to have given about 20 adults the knowledge and techniques to allow their children to be stimulated at home.
They have an average of say 2 kids? So from today onwards, about 40 children will be unconsciously learning at home and will not be Maths phobic considering they deal with this subject on an every day basis, thanks to their well equipped parents!
All praises to the One Above. Alhamdullilah!

Mdm Lisa, thanks for tagging this picture on Facebook too.
So nice to see you again. Mdm Lisa is like a dear friend already to me and Jenn. She has attended our workshop before last year.
That plus, she is also my regular poncho/ponchoga customer. Thank you so so much for the support. People like you inspire me to be better, really! :)

Okay, time to hit the sack. My nephew is here to spend the night and he is in my room shouting for his Aunty Nura.
Yup, my part time work is also that of a babysitter! Not complaining at all. Love my nephew too too much. Good night korangs.


  1. masya'allah. you look really beautiful with the hijab and you have no idea how many alhamdulillahs i muttered inside my heart when i saw the first picture of you wearing the hijab, and subsequently after reading the previous posts.

    i thought at first, it was just for a special occasion. but as i scroll through your previous entry, i guess it's for real :)

    alhamdulillah. don't worry nura, you're still beautiful. and now, i have another hijabi fashionista to look up to!!!

  2. And i did the number bonds thingy with 'just blue mentos sweets' this early early Sunday morning :).
    Starting with just 10 sweets, my lil one soon got excited. He said this " I want bigger numbers now mama!!! I want 24!!" Oh praise our One Above! He got it! And he's not afraid to do more!! And so we drew our circles. One big Squidhead, 2 tentacles & 2 little squidheads(as it is now known) And he's even accepting the plus sign now to be seen on papers :)

    Thank You Nura & Jenn & all the other mommies for sharing your tips. :)

  3. Salam Nura

    So....when is the next workshop?
