Friday, July 15, 2011

Ways to combat an awful day

How do you solve an awful day?

Here are some suggestions thanks to my tweethearts and friends on Facebook! :)

Rozi- If its awfulness is worth my tears, I'll cry it out. If not, I'll window shop alone & treat myself to some good FOOD!

Azila- I listen to surah & read some zikir till I'm calm.

Nur Fadilah - I'll listen to Maher Zain's songs.

Zura - SHOP SHOP SHOP.....EAT EAT EAT.... Lol.

Lia- If I have the extra ka-ching! ka-ching! shall Retail Therapy. Else, I'll just wallop a bar of snickers, lock the room and ZZZzZzz.
Maddy- Turn to Allah and istighfar.

Edmund- Complain about the day to your wife. That's what best friends are for. :)

Cady McBronzie - I either bake or cook to calm myself down. Eating good yummy food makes me forget about my worries instantaneously.

Is- Was feeling crap this morning. Now, ME time with good hearty breakfast and newspaper. Reading makes my trouble minor in comparison.

Fathiah- Do deep breathing. Turn to my kids, hug tightly & kiss them.

Seerah - Rant it all on Twitter! There will be at least 1 person to make you feel better... :)

DaiaDingDong- Head home n mop d whole house wif dettol. Like lepas geram lah konon sental the floor dgn penuh semangat. I feel super happy after I'm done.

Diana Hairul- I'll start cleaning and cooking! That's what I'll normally do! While I scrub the walls or toilet, I'll vent it out on that.

Kyn Sueetchic- I'll role play with my kids and perhaps cry a lil bit in between n then whip up something the kids and I love. Then cry again. Hehe.... But the 2nd cry is like "no point crying' kinda cry. Heh. Ok, I sound confused right?

Ayu- Go shopping!

Themummyjournal - Knowing that someone out there is dealing with more serious issues like unemployment, poverty, etc puts things in perspective for me. On a more frivolous level, a little ME time works for me.

Nur Atiqah- I talk to my cats!! Lol cat freak muchhhh!

Prettyugly- I'll get a big hug from my gerls :)

Sheila- I'll focus my attention on my three lovely cats instead! They have never failed to put a smile on my face :)

Fyzah - I will eat as much as I can n will look forward to playing with my daughter as I get back from work.

Farida- Go back home, hug n kiss ur kids and ask them to do the same. U will feel better.

Lee Liyana- Write about it in my diary and have a tub of B&J. Or you can ring your other half and start complaining. Hahahaha.

Dyan- I'll talk and bitch about it to my other half, then go to youtube, find some funny videos or I plug in my earphones and drown myself with music.

Lzq Ai'PaesYeon- Hmmmm. Everytime without miss tau if I were to have an awful day, it will lead to me having diarrhoea..I don't even know how to solve? hurhurhur ;)

Idah Kadir- I'll look at my kids' pictures in my IPhone and that will at least make me feel better.

* Pray.
* If I'm in the mood for a good cry, I'll watch a sad movie and bawl my eyes out knowing that there are bigger issues out there and ultimately, learn not to sweat the small stuff. And then I'll realise how ridiculous I was to be upset over something unimportant.
* Watch Twilight and ogle at Edward Cullen.
* I'll either call my mom (when I'm angry at E) or E (when I'm upset with my family members or friends) Always nice to hear reassuring voices.
* Eat blueberry cheesecake. (Never mind that I will have the runs after that!)
*Go to the library. Just so peaceful and quiet there.
*Read Hollywood celebrity gossip magazines. Heee!
* Catch up with galpals I love.
* Just shut off from work, grab a good read and then sleep.
*Listen to music.
* Go to Harnies Beauty for manicure, pedicure, waxing and massage.
*Go to somewhere quiet and blend whatever creative juices I have in my head.

So my readers, what do you do to make yourself feel better on an awful day?

Those of you who are feeling crappy, I hope all these suggestions make you feel all better already! Besides, today is Friday yo!
Enjoy the weekend! :)

PS: Nyla too just updated her blog. What does she do when she is upset? Click here.

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