Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Karate 'Kerinting'

We brought Nyla to watch 'The Karate Kid' last night and yeap, someone's new favourite word now is 'HAIYAAKKK!'
So easily influenced one, this child of mine.
The star of the remake movie, Jaden Smith, was truly impressive. Well what can I say.. Like father like son!

While I was teaching tuition earlier, Nyla was at the balcony with her very own Mr Han. (who else but Mr E?!)
I had no idea what they were doing there and then when tuition ended, Mr E told me that Nyla was putting on/taking off/dropping/picking up her jacket under his supervision.
Yes, just like the scene from The Karate Kid.

Ow ow ow, Mommy Paiiinnnnnnnnnn. Helppppppp!
*Mommy shakes head and carries the wailing kerinting karate kid to the room*