Tuesday, February 2, 2010

AM Routine

I've read somewhere that the one common denominator of all successful people is a routine built on good habits. I also strongly believe that habits shape one's work ethics so I try to make Nyla's everyday as structured and routine as possible.

Every morning, after breakfast (usually cereal or bread and milk) and shower,

the first thing Nyla does is to tend to her mini garden.

Growing very well here. Well done, babe.

Remember Jewellery the 2nd? Hehe! Yes, this fish is still alive and kickin' thanks to Nyla's care.

Then Nyla and I will make the bed in the room and straighten the house.

Deeper, Nyla, deeper!

Back when I was young, whenever my mom was cooking, I'd also be in the kitchen 'cooking' and I used to enjoy it very much. So I also tried involving Nyla in the kitchen and I am happy to see that she too enjoys playing masak masak.

So when I cook, I will pass her some of the ingredients for her to 'cook' her dishes.

Usually I'll give to her the spinach batangs, some cut onions and garlic and whatever sauces she would want to add to her special dish of the day. For the dish in this particular picture, she chose Macdonald's curry sauce. This girl loves curry smell and yes, she loves to eat curry dishes.

When she's sick and tired of being Rachael Ray, she will then proceed to become Handy Manny.

Then, it's chillin' time with Daddy before he leaves for work.

While waiting for her lunch to cool, Nyla and I would usually read a couple of books. She'd usually choose four books for me to read because that's her current age.

Lunch time. Yumsy!

After a full lunch, she'll change into her school uniform and then off she goes to school with Mummy.
So yeah, that's more or less what Nyla does every morning.
When I have the time to be her 'paparazzi' during the evening, I'll share with you peeps how her evening routine is like ok? I promise!