Friday, January 1, 2010

Twenty Ten!

My Dad with his grandchildren, Nyla and Farooq.
Nyla having her compulsory bubble bath.

Nyla with her Tok Daddy!

Erm, yes, that's definitely me, ushering in the New Year in 'style.'

Room service.

My bro and Farooq.

Swimming time!

Happy New Year ya all!
We just returned from an overnight stay at Sentosa.
My parents booked a room at their One Degree 15 Marina Club, in an attempt to bring the whole family to celebrate New Year together.
Initially, my plan was to just stay at home and chill.
But I'm glad we didn't because we (especially Nyla!) had so much fun.
Mom and Dad, Thanks!
May 2010 be a great year for all of us, Insyaallah!
PS: Hubs, exactly a decade ago, we ushered in the Milennium together-gether and decided on that day that we be involved in an exclusive relationship. It's been freaking 10 years, boy! Happy 10 years of togetherness, hon!