During the commercial break, Nyla suggested that she audition infront of her own Es-mon And Ka-ra.
We were more than pleased to do so. Duh! Free entertainment leh!
Nyla sang Daniel Powter's Bad Day.
During the audition, the husband and I squeezed each other's hands real hard because seeing Nyla E belt out that song with so much gusto was painfully funny.
Judge Ka-ra then asked if Nyla E could do the audition once more, telling her that it's toooo good.
(Actual fact, I wanted to snap pictures! Kesian Nyla E kena sabo!)
Sorry about the very poor quality of the pictures though because this Nyla E could not keep still and her mummy Nura J's hands were shaking!
Tak boleh control la! Kelakar sesangat-sangatnya!
Audition time
Singing in front of Pandan Idol Judge Es-mon
Golden ticket for you!
Yipee! I am going to Hollllyywwwooood!