If you should know one thing about me is the fact that I am quite a messy person.
Ask my ex working colleagues and they will definitely agree to this fact.
Everytime my buddies in school walk past my work station, they will laugh and tell me that I seriously need to do something to my tsunami-hit desk.
My working desk was in a complete mess.
It definitely halted/put brakes on me trying to do work so I would usually end up either marking workbooks at Nad's or Ray's desks. Nurul, you don't talk so much. Your desk also gone case like mine.
At home, I have a tendency to just 'chuck and hide' whatever things I could hide in whatever cupboards/wardrobes available at home.
So if any of you should come to my house, never ever ask me to open the cupboard doors unless you want an avalanche of clothes, newspapers, ring files falling on you.
I am not kidding.
Come on man.
To have your mother in law enthrone you as the 'Queen of sumbat' is really something right!
And might I add that this legacy still lives on at Sengkang despite me moving to my own home.
Yeap! Esman's 2 nieces are now the 'Princesses of sumbat'.
Based on the pictures below, they are also the sleeping beauties. (the ones on the extreme left and extreme right)
Haha! Sorry girls. Have to put this up! Ye la, takkan nak letak gambar yang jambu jambu je!
Anyway, I pity Esman sometimes, especially on Monday mornings when he needs to rush for work.
Usually, he will leave his work documents on the dining table.
I will always make sure the house is 'spick and span' before I go to bed.
I will do what I do best. Chuck or sumbat lor!
The next day will be a mayhem because much time is wasted on which drawers I have 'classified' his work documents in.
Sorry hubs!
If you must also know something about Esman is the very fact that he is an IT expert.
He is the one who will do the technical aspects of my blog.
About 2 weeks ago, he told me that he found my blog messy. Sensitive word tu doks!
Yes, till today, I don't understand which part of this blog is messy!
According to him, my blog is becoming like rojak and he was worried that my other baby, Bottoms Up!, will invade this personal blog of mine.
Esman knocked some sense into me (as always!) and suggested that I have my own name as my domain, which I thought to be a brilliant idea.
A website which separates my personal life and my career.
I'm fine with it on one condition: that I continue writing on this very same blog.
We then embarked on a shopping spree on the names to use.
I wanted nuraj.com....Unfortunately, it was taken.
Then we tried nurajesman....Of course, it was available but I don't want people to think I am Nura anak Pak Jesman.
In the end, we settled for www.nura-j-esman.com
I hope you all like it.
I love it! Like totally! :)
Credits go to my Esman as well as Lustmonday and Lawrence! Thanks so much ya' all!
PS: To those friends in my Facebook, this is the 'reveal' I was referring to when I updated my status last Sunday.
Kumar, sorry to disappoint you ya! Haha!