We began our Christmas countdown since 12 days ago....
Nyla asked her daddy,' Are we going today?'
Her daddy would answer,'No, baby.'
Then she would ask again,'Are we going tomorrow?'
Esman would answer,'No darling. We will be going tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow,tomorrow,tomorrow,tomorrow,tomorrow,tomorrow,tomorrow,tomorrow,tomorrow.'
And then the babe would be frustrated and she would continue doing her own stuff before asking us the same question again and again and again until it was our turn to get frustrated. Haha.
Yesterday, I asked Nyla to pack her stuff, much to her delight.
Looking at the stuff she wants to bring, I definitely have to do the packing for her. Duh.
Saw her Minnie Mouse luggage? No clothes at all inside it. Only her blue blankie.
Saw the baby on the stroller? That's her son, Crooked. (I know. What a name!)
Babe, we are not moving out of the house sayang.
Well, anyway, the day is finally here and it is our turn for some R&R!
We are going on a vacation with Esman's family.
To be precise, we will be going on a vacation with nearly all of Esman's makciks, pakciks, his cousins, nephews and nieces.
Don't play play ah, there are so many of us, we have to be separated.
The first batch have already just left taking the morning ferry.
The second batch will be leaving at noon.
Of course I chose to depart at noon. Reasons?
1) No morning rush.
2) Stingy Esman refuses to drive to the ferry terminal and pay the overnight parking charges.
If you think we are cabbing, answer is No.
'Don't waste money. Somemore, public holiday, sure pay surcharge,' said my most 'wonderful', 'darling' and 'lovable' husband.
We are taking the MRT la. Yeap from Jurong East to Tanah Merah.
So if you see a family of 3 dragging luggage into the train cabin, that's definitely us. ;)