Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I am very glad that I spilt the 'message on T-shirts' concept onto shawls.
Something different.
We see so many scarves with beautiful designs in the market and sometimes we just want to wear something that is plain but at the same time unique, hence the birth of my

"Like a pearl in a shell" shawls

"Love is like a butterfly..
It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes" shawls.

Joining the Pearlies and Butterflies are the Rosies. :)
Simple words to accompany the rose.
"Embrace the beauty of the rose"
Design credits to Jali, Iqah and Hadad! Thank you! :)

Here they are my fellow hijabistas!

Nyla: Mommy, the pink one, I want to model okay. Your turn to take photo.
(Anyway, thank you loads Nyla for taking the photos!)

The "Rosie" is rectangular, measures 190cm by 80cm and material is cotton-lycra.
A piece is $33.
Available in red, light pink, cream, black and navy blue.

Do email me because I have a feeling that the rosies will be just as popular as their sisters (Pearlies and Butterflies la tu!) which were sold out within a few days.

Smell the rose peeps, embrace its beauty and never ever let a few thorns restrain your path to happiness aight! :)

See you at nuraesman@gmail.com !

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