Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Baby Steps

So, Sunday was my first day of wearing the hijab.
My mother's eyes were fixated on me as I put as many penitis as possible to make sure the tudung maintain.
I tell you, my heart was beating so fast, I purposely took a long time in front of the mirror trying to delay the outing.
"Mom, I'm scared."
She teared.
"Mom, stop that please. You're not helping."
She replied,"Kin, Allah has given you HIS hidayah. Pls don't question and doubt. Hidayah may not come again."
And with that I said,"Ok. Let's go!"

I felt like a bride with an entourage following behind me.
The entourage consisted of Nyla, Rooqy (my 2 year old nephew), Bibik Juma and my biggest cheerleader of all, my mother.
Mr E poor thing la.
I kept saying 'Today is going to be the day' only for me to back out numerous times the past few weeks. So when he came home and I told him I survived the first day, he was surprised!

When I entered the lift, I tell you my heart was beating so facewas so tight.
And then something magical happened in the lift.
My two year old nephew, Rooqy, held my hand, looked up at me and said,"You sho pweety Aunty Nuya."
My lil angel. (My mom broke down again, by the way.)
Immediately, all my fears vanished.
I attended my secondary schoolmate's son's birthday function at the cc just across the road.
Spent about 30-45 minutes and then went back home.
I DID IT and I felt so blardy proud of myself.

The next morning, since Mr E had no classes, we had lunch at his school.
Then my mother SMSed me,"Nak go Orchard?"
I guess she's just proud to be seen with her daughter who has just donned the tudung.
We had a good time lunching and shopping.
I really must make an effort to go out with my mom more often.

This week, if the togas and ponchos reach some of you ladies late, we apologise k.
Both the seamstress and marketing person slack la. Hee!

Yesterday was my third day.
Early morning start since Nyla has swimming lessons with Kesy's boys every Tuesday morning.
Kesy embraced me so tight when she saw me.
"Welcome to the club!" hug la tu! Heee!
At about 10ish after Nyla's lesson ended, I received a phonecall from..... Guess who?
My mom la. (She's really addicted to me now as you all can see.)
Had lunch at her place before Nyla and I went to Science Centre to meet Nyla's classmates and their mommies.
The night before, I prepared the mommies.
They are real sweeties la ah.

I'm really taking baby steps.
I am currently experiencing so much love around me. At Facebook...Twitter...I'm real sorry I didn't get to reply you one by one but I read your messages. So touched. Feeling an enriched existence of love and hope its just amazing!

May the Almighty shower you and me with all his blessings!

I stumbled upon this beautiful quote by Yusuf Islam and thought I'd share with you all: Islam is not a state of being but it is a process of becoming,” – becoming more, become better, striving to reach that state of perfect submission and connection with Allah Most High, and May He help all of us achieve that, ameen.”

Once again, I thank you all for the love!


  1. I can so imagine the syaithan crying by the corner after being defeated from their constant whisperings to you not to wear it... Syukur Alhamdulillah... :)

  2. you look AMAZING.
    hope i'll have the same courage some day.

  3. Alhamdulillah dan tahniah di atas penghijrahan Nura....BIG hug!!

    Semoga ALLAH merahmati Nura sekeluarga dan keturunan yg akan datang dan semoga DIA permudahkan segala urusan you di dunia dan akhirat....Amiiiin.

  4. Alhamdulillah =D hey babe i started re-wearing tudung during the fasting month this year too!

    i said re-wear because i used to wear for five years and took it out again. but Alhamdulillah, God opened my heart again to start wearing this year.

    so imagine when i first came to work, all my colleagues and students were dumbstruck. but the next day, they get used to it and i get used to wearing the tudung too.

    you always look beautiful babe inside and out! =D


  5. Hi Kak Nura!

    Understand your feeling, i'm sure it felt nerve-wrecking yet surreal. The first week is challenging where people will question "Why did you choose to wear?" "Are you getting married?" "Isn't it hot?" "So are you throwing all your clothes away?" "Are you less open now?"

    Well, with Allah's guidance you will overcome all this nitty-gritty things. I've passed a year wearing the hijab and the thought of leaving the house without it make me feel 'naked' now. I hope you'll enjoy your journey too :)

    Btw...You look so sweet!!

  6. Dear Nura,

    Alhamdullilah for the Hidayah that you received from Allah S.W.T. I, too, felt the same way when i started wearing the hijab...It happened after I prayed Maghrib one evening, and decided to put it on. It IS a process of becoming, becoming a better person and a better Muslim (Insya Allah), but it also comes with lots of dugaan....personal ones and public ones...

    I've been a silent reader of your blog and will make dua for you and your family so that all of you will continue to receive His barakah and blessings in this life and hereafter, Insya Allah..

    Welcome to the hijab club, dear fellow sister in Islam!

