No, no, personally I do not find the vuvuzela annoying because the vuvuzela is an integral and unique part of South African football culture and thus should be shown some respect. Embrace people!

To my people in the Pandan neighbourhood, if you hear a constant buzzing noise, yeap that's my girl blowing the vuvuzela. Sorry hor.
For now, the only peaceful times for you peeps will be between 1pm to 6pm because Miss Vuvuzela is in school.
Anyway, I am soooo going to hide the vuvuzela after coming across this article on the web. Scary Mary or whaaattt!
I am horrified!!!
Anyway, a reminder that Miss Vuvuzela and I will be at Bedok Library this Saturday 3 July from 2pm-3pm for a fun and interactive parent-child workshop!
Miss Vuvuzela: Mommy, I bring vuvezela to the library, can?
Mrs Vuvuzela: No.
Miss Vuvuzela: Why???
Mrs Vuvuzela: Nyla, we have to maintain silence in the library.
Miss Vuvuzela then let out biiiggggggggg sighhhhhhh.