Hello my fellow toga enthusiasts!
I know I've mentioned that the dateline to place your orders for the toga terrific maxi dresses is tomorrow by 4pm.
Well, the response for these toga tresses was tremendous and I regret to inform you that my moms have stopped taking orders for black/white and chocolate brown.
We decided to 'put a cap'/limit the orders for exclusivity's sake.
In addition, I also do not want my moms, the terrific tailors duo, to be overwhelmed.
As for the chilli red and blue toga dresses, the bondas can only take just 1 more order for each colour.
So yeah, if you are interested in either the stunning red or the cool blue toga dress, do email me fast!
PS: A preview of the second batch of toga terrific maxi dresses will be coming up soon and I promise you that they are beeyooootiiiiifuulllll! Gerams!