Wednesday, January 6, 2010


My little makcik has been anxious to explore the world of adult activity.
When she was much younger, we bought for her some useful tools such as broom, mop, brush etc and allowed her to pretend help.
Well, she is a big girl now and her help is no longer pretend anymore. Good news for me!
A reliable helper, she has learnt to pick up her toys, put her clothes into the laundry bag before her shower and even help me carry light shopping bags.
Sometimes, she even attempts to wash the dishes, much to my horror, because the kitchen floor will surely end up flooded. And I think I know why she loves doing the dishes.
Reason number 1: She gets to play with soap and bubbles.

Reason number 2: She loves mopping the floor.

What are the other housework she helps me with?
Folding clothes.
We also managed to 'slot in' a Maths lesson. Arranging the clothes hangers in the same order. Hee!

And then when we go to JB, she'll help her Tok Daddy water the plants.
Thanks for the Science lesson, Pa!

I guess I'll seize this household chores fever moment while Nyla is still very enthusiastic.
Anyway, Nyla was really cute when she told me this,
Nyla: Mommy, this is so fun. I don't want to be a vet anymore. When I grow up, I want to be a Bibik.

Any employers out there keen on hiring Bibik Nyla?

She is definitely a great little helper but I should warn you that she gets easily distracted and being her hilarious self, she will ocassionally dump her chores to express her best self by

and practising her catwalking skills. Tsk Tsk!

and might I add, you might also spot some blocks under the couch. :)