Wouldn't look left or right for other brands.
The moment I spotted the pack, I would grab, pay, go.
(I'd even celebrate when the packaging was the 2 in 1 kind without knowing that the aim of that sort of packaging was pobably to clear stock. Probably expired.)
Always thought it was value for money.
How uneducated I was back then.
Also, never mind that along the years, I suffered in silence.
Gotta deal with
*the rash
*the itch
*the smell
November 2011, all changed.
Elisabeth came to my place to give me a lecture on the importance of vaginal health as well as demo.
I remember telling her before she started doing her demo on the Alchemy pads, "Alah, if like that I'll use tampons sudah."
Her reply:
"Nura, menstrual blood is meant to be discharged. Kena keluarkan (Yah, she speaks fluent Malay this woman!) How can you let it stay and let bacteria accumulate in your uterus? And are you aware of toxic shock syndrome?"
Then for the next 20 minutes, I was enlightened about sanitary pads.
Instantly, I switched to the ALCHEMY.
I can never thank my brother enough for this.
It has been 7 months and I no longer suffer in silence.
No smell. No itch. No rash.
I totally love this product.
When we care for ourselves, we care for the world. (Step Avengers la sikit ye.)
I feel that this is not only my passion but a responsibility to live and teach what I strongly believe in.
Ladies and Gentlemen, because I believe in the Alchemy pads, I am willing to work with Elisabeth to educate all of you about the importance of choosing the right sanitary pads.
Sanitary pads are important to us women.
We need them every month.
I am especially dedicated to this because I have a daughter.
I may have started late but I am just very glad that when Nyla reaches puberty, I will make sure I'll select a sanitary pad that is safe, like the Alchemy.
There will be 4 pads in the Alchemy Box.
Another reason why I like the Alchemy is because I can be flexible.
I rarely use pantyliners hence I have opted for 2 packs of night pads and 2 packs of day pads in my box which can last me for 2 months.
My mom opted for 4 packs of pantyliners in her Alchemy box.
If your menstruation is heavy going, then opt for 4 packs of night pads.
A box of 4 packs of pads (whichever combi of pantyliners(30)/day pads(10)/night pads(8)) cost only $29.70
If you would like me and Elisabeth to go to your house or office or anywhere to chit chat about the Alchemy before you wanna purchase, by all means we will do it.
Ya la. Seeing is believing mah.
Give yourself a priceless gift by spending 45-60 minutes of your time with us for the most important subject:
We guarantee that YOU will be transformed at the end of the chat which we promise to be humorous and informative.
For example on facts like:- Why women are clueless about this important and yet often neglected topic? Why women are taking MC during their period? Why women are suffering in silence with itch, rash, odour, coloured discharge, infections and moodiness? How many pieces of napkins an average woman uses within 30-40 years of her entire lifetime? Know what is your napkin made of.? Can your current napkin breathe?
Gentlemen are most welcome to attend as it concerns the health of your better half...and daughters..
If you would like to
invite Elisabeth and myself to your office to give corporate talks
would like us to do home demo in front of your relatives and friends
Do drop me an email.
Be transformed. Period.
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