Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Reveal of my 1st ever Real Estate AD!

We are entering the last 10 days of Ramadan.
So fast.

On the first day of Ramadan this year, I closed my first ever sale. My JC friend's place over at Jelapang Road. Might I add that the co-broke agent (from ERA too!) is by far the most humble and helpful agent I've ever encountered. Glad to have crossed paths with you, Raymond. The buyers too are very pleasant people. Knowing that we were breaking fast, they bought some kuihs for my friend and her family. Sweet Indian family. Nice. Nyla, on the other hand, thinks I owe it to her. She made me a bracelet while I was getting ready. "Mommy I make for you this. Your lucky charm..."

So great to know that Allah has willed Ramadan 1 to be the day I sealed my first home sale.

Anyway, I intend to put an ad over at Berita Harian soon and you all will have excluzif preview here. Hehe.

According to Mattie Stepanek, "Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."
Hence artwork wise, I collaborated with The Card Maison which specialises in wedding cards, wedding posters, brochures, flyers and namecards for those who wish to have unique invites for their special day!
I must express my gratitude to them.
Especially to the lady boss, Dyan for the graphic design of the ad. I had no hand in it at all.
Wonderful and efficient work I tell you this woman.
I love the fact that she is versatile.
Yes she's more of a 'kad kawin kawin' kinda person but when I asked if she could design my real estate ads...flyers?
Her answer: Of course boleh!
Baik ah!

Here are some of The Card Maison's works. Pretty. And I thought my wedding card last time damn solid. Compared to these, mine bau asapz. Bride/Groom to be do add them over at Facebook, go! Nice stuff on their page. :)

So when artwork for the ad/flyer already been settledthekettle, another one that got my head scratching was my tagline.
I tell you many Malay agents ah...their taglines so tacky I cannot take it.
But hey, it works for them cos it's corny mah so you all laugh...their so called 'lame' liners are memorable la, hence effective!

I was about to think of my own when my mother called and said,"Kin, Mak pikirkan la untuk advert kau. Nanti mak SMS lines dia."

oh oh.
In my heart,"YaAllahpleasedontletmymommycomeupwithlamelinesYaAllah pleasedontletmymommycomeupwithlamelinesYaAllahpleasedontletmymommycomeupwithlamelines.."

And then she sms-ed me:

Very short and simple. Factual and not corny. My kinda thing.
Anyway, the honour our religion has given to mothers is beyond that found in any other religion, ideology or culture, hence my mommy's contribution must be acknowledged and appreciated.
So here goes, peeps.
The collaboration among The Card Maison, my mommy and myself (Those words in italic, must give thanks to english to malay translator on google! :p)

Coming soon on papers yo! :)

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