My girl has managed to recognise quite a number of sight words.
She is now trying to blend in the sounds of letters of a word.
Esman was reading the newpaper a few nights back when she saw the word 'speak.'
Slowly, she tried to make the individual sounds of s,p,e,k and voila, she actually got it right.
Then we showed her the word 'love' and again, she hit jackpot. How impressive!
Wooohoooo! We were like 'Yabadabadoooooo! Our girl can read!!!!!'
Still delirious with excitement, Esman then pointed to the word 'Fox.'
And our babe sat in silence, forehead deeply creased in thought and slowly blended in the sounds and then confidently said this: F#&*
Yeah, as in the eff word.
Seeing that triumphant look on her face after the accidental expletive came out of her mouth was pretty much priceless.
The babe actually thought she got it right.
Esman and I shared a good laugh over it!
Well Nyla, at least you got the 'f' sound right.
Try harder next time ok babey!