Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Coming home....

My super sidekick is coming home after being away in Norway for more than 3 months. Yeehaaaaa!
Nyla and I are so excited!
The only bleargh thing about her homecoming is that it will only last for 10 days. Bleargh!
So blardee short but I thank God we live just 5 minutes away so we can definitely maximise the short period we can spend together.
Already over msn yesterday, we made plans of cabut-ing to West Coast for our late night teh tarik session, Vivo City shopping trip and frequent chillin' sessions at her mom's.
In fact first chillin' session will commence tomorrow! Haha! We will be joining her family for dinner.
Then on Friday, we have another round of ex Yusoffians gathering. Super duper stuff!
Baby Danial, Godma can't wait to do some love bites on your cheeks, tummy and your oh -so- chunky- just- like- your- mom's- thighs! (whoops. Peace!)

And my makcik kecik, you have a blast with your Godma babe because she'll only be here for a short while! If we ever want to visit her in Norway soon, your daddy has got to strike lottery and you know that means it is very close to impossible! Hahaha!