Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fun with Mathematics

We all know that children need experiences with mathematical concepts to develop their skills as they get older.
Being an experienced teacher dealing with pupils who struggle with Mathematics, I am totally aware that I cannot 'teach' Maths but what I can do is to provide experiences for playing and living with Maths.

So, the three of us played junior monopoly last night. (The Disney Princesses Edition)
I am very pleased with it because it is very easy for Nyla who is a beginner in the board game world.
It was a breeze explaining to Nyla the rules of the game.
Playing pieces are cardboard cutouts of the princesses (Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Little Mermaid (Me), Jasmine(Esman, just going with the flow! hah!), Snow White, Belle (Nyla), Mulan & Pocohantas) instead of hats, dogs or thimbles.
Nyla had so much fun rolling the dice and moving her Belle without having a clue at all that she was having a Mathematics lesson last night! Great stuff!

It has counting, rolling the dice and moving spaces, early math using play money kept in small denominations :$1,$2,$3, $4 and 5 dollars.
She has also picked up some entrepreneurship skills by choosing to purchase the property.

Sorting and classifying skills!
Yeay! Mommy paid me rent!
Nyla counted spaces as she moved around the board, counted money as she bought property, paid rent..etc.
Reading skills is not really necessary here, in my opinion.
Nyla is beginning reading and is working on actually reading the chance cards, but she is able to look at it and know exactly what to do.

We were very engaged in the game for a good half hour.
We could have lasted longer though but unfortunately we did not because somebody landed on the dreaded fatty Ursula and hence required to part with her $2.

She refused to pay Ursula....

And also refused to continue playing the game.