Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blast Off to P1 Workshop for parents. TWO days left!

Jenn and I are feeling very excited.
Looking forward to our "Blast off to Primary 1" Workshop for parents whose children will be in Primary 1 next year this coming Saturday!

2 DAYS left! Weeeeeeee.

Children these days are just wired very differently.
They are very seeemmmaaaarrrtttt.
Always hungry for knowledge and explanations.
Ideas overflowing.
Motor mouths.
Always on the go. (Cannot keep still la tu)

Both Jenn and myself cannot wait to share with you effective and super duper fun strategies to make learning at home damn fun.
Remember our motto is not to make the kids know that they're studying.

We make them think that they're playing and that they are enjoying themselves.

These Beliebers/One Directioners are happily singing. They are actually practising their reading skills.

Nyla thinks she is playing with straws, happily cutting them into smaller pieces. She is actually learning the concept of ones and tens.

These bunch of excited kiddies think they're having a party. They have just learnt the steps on how to make garlic bread. (Sequence writing activity)

Just 3 examples out of the plenty we will be sharing this Saturday.

Parents, last time Primary 1 and present really worlds apart.
If last time our Maths paper was like this:

THEN: 7 + 2 = ____

Now the P1s face this:

NOW: 2 tens 4 ones + 3 tens 5 ones = _____

If last time our problem sum was like this:

THEN: In a basket, there are 3 apples and 4 oranges. How many apples and oranges are there altogether?

NOW:  Amy saw a total of 5 cows and hens in a barn. There were 16 legs altogether. How many cows were there in the barn?

Don't say your child scratch head.
You also will k.
Until dandruff all berteraboh on the table.

We give you another one.

Tom gave 15 sweets to each of his 2 friends.
He had 24 sweets left.
How many sweets did Tom have at first?

Yeap, 2 steps.

Only in Primary 1 and they are required to solve 2 steps problem sums.
Our poor babies.

We complain to MOE also no use. It will just keep getting tougher.
But one thing we can do is to help our children and partner them in this fast paced learning process.

For those of you who'd like to participate in the workshop this Saturday, we have 3 spaces left.

Here are the details.

WHEN: SATURDAY 1st December 2012

WHERE: Harmony Room 1, (Super near to Braddell MRT Station)

WHAT TIME: 11a.m. to 1p.m.

"INVESTMENT" : $75 (Wanna come alone can. With spouse can. With your 6 year old also can.) 
Email me at
See you all in 2 days' time!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Goodbye Jelapang...

Last night, I went to my sellers' Jelapang Road 4 room flat.
The buyers would like to do a final inspection of the home since our completion date is really drawing near.

It was a very smooth process.
My clients were honest with the defects of their home (just 1 actually) and the buyers were not fussy.

I reached slightly earlier.

No more couch and coffee table.
Boxes all stacked up.
Trash bags near the door ready to be disposed.

My friends' children were having their dinner on the floor.

Yeap Mac D since kitchen is already permanently closed.

I personally feel that moving out is a painful process.
Physically because it involves a lot of unpacking, arranging and re-arranging.
Emotionally as well because so many sweet memories in the home you have lived in for quite sometime.

At the same time, I also feel very excited for my friends who would be able to enjoy some cash proceeds from the house.
A headstart to maintain a long term investment strategy and save for children's future. 
That and they are applying for a B.T.O. 
Their ballot number is 69 out of the 44 units available. 
They are very hopeful. 
And I pray hard they get a flat.Those of you working at HDB, what are the chances like you think?

If you must know, this is not a typical selling situation.

My friend's husband's mom passed away a few years ago.
He and his sister were given the authority to administer their mother's estate, hence obtaining the Grant of Probate.
The distribution of the sales proceeds will be according to the Syariah Law. ( Faraid)
His sister will receive half of what her brother receives.

Also, if lessee has been deceased for more than 6 years, a court order is needed to sanction the sale.

 Just a summary of the case I now have an experience of handling.
If you know of anyone with queries like "Letters of administration", 'Grant of Probate" etc after  a family member's passing, can just refer them to me.
Not that I am a pro at it already but yeah, I'm pretty much confident. :)

And earlier, I posted on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook this picture of a bedroom set that my sellers are letting go.
They bought this whole set for $2k.

3 super bidders as of now.


Havoc ah these 3 ladies. Fierce trio! 

Condition of wardrobe: 7.5/10
The dresser and bed : 9/10

Self pick up k. :)
Highest bid as of now is $110 and bidding will end at 2 p.m sharp. :)

Friday, November 23, 2012


2 days ago, I went to Kak Izah's cosy home at Teck Whye Lane.

I was excited because it is an executive apartment with 4 bedrooms. Very rare.
Nyla tagged along .

Usually she'd behave herself but when she gets too comfortable, Nyla can be pretty embarrassing.
And Kak Izah was really sweet, "Takper la Nura. Biarkan Nyla relax."

Ni dah bukan relaxing seh. Ni dah landing teros.

Anyway, a big perk of being a real estate salesperson is the chance to meet new and exciting people. Blessed with a really loving husband and three grown up daughters, Kak Izah shared with me about her family life. Very interesting and inspiring.

While Kak Izah and I  were chatting away, my mini secretary feasted on the drinks and baulus.
Good life ah this P.A of mine.

Back to real estate talk.
Initially, Kak Izah wanted to sell since she and husband have fully financed their current flat.
However after I did the property analysis for them, I realised that even though it would be a positive sale for them, other factors such as future COV for their next house...renovation costs for the next house etc would make them go from,"We wanna sell!" to "Hmmmmmmmm..."

Sometimes I feel sad when I hear people generalise real estate agents as being commission hungry and not trustworthy.
Of course I feel sorry that some real estate agents behave in such a manner causing the rest of us to suffer.
Anyway, as with any profession there are good ones and not so good ones.
The ones you were dealing with maybe scums BUT that doesn't mean the rest are. :)

Back to Kak Izah's story.
In the end after the analysis and discussion with her family members, they stepped on the brake pedal to sell.
Red light for now.

If you're thinking,"If call Nura to come to my house for property discussion, die die MUST sell. If never sell, maciam waste everyone's time like that."

Pls k.

You must not feel obligated.
It is my job to do the analysis and calculations and advise you.
And trust that I shall not put pressure on you to close the deal.

I am okay with a "Hmmmm. No la Nura. If like this, I think we don't sell la."

Let us together be focused on a great mutual partnership instead of making a sale.

So people, if you're considering whether it is a YAY or NAY move to sell and would like me to do a property analysis for you, I'm here!

Just call or sms me at 9 724 88 66.

PS: Since it is the school holidays, I really have no choice but to bring my personal assistant. Actually she can be pretty reliable. See, make sure sofa all neat for the mommy to snap pics. :p

Thursday, November 22, 2012

P.S.L.E 2012

All praises to the One above.

ALL my Primary 6 tutees are done with primary school and will be moving on to secondary school.

Special mention to my tutee Naufal.
Naufal failed last year.
And as his tutor, of course I felt very very very bad and sad and lousy. :(

Instead of blaming me, his mother still wanted me to coach her son this year.

Here, I'd not like to show you that "Yeay! He finally passed because of me! I'm such a super tutor!"


It is all thanks to his loving mother.
Let me share with you our SMS conversation last year.

 Such a loving mother she is right? Instead of ignoring him or being angry at him for repeating his Primary 6, she still gave him a head massage. I must learn from this woman.

As always, there will be a rainbow after a storm.

Remember that  “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Must pluck up that courage to work even harder for you kids and parents who didn't do so well. (Tag team effot mah, takkan nak salahkan budak je! Hehe!)

I just want all of you to know that PSLE does not determine one's future and that your children will make you proud.
Maybe not now, but definitely later with your constant support, love and encouragement.

In this case, PSLE does not only stand for Primary School Leaving Examination 
 It also means Parents' Support, Love & Encouragement.

And thanks to Naufal's "PSLE", today he did it. :)
Once again, congratulations to my other tutees and parents and also you readers whose children have done well for their PSLE this year!
Time to celebrate!

Monday, November 19, 2012

W for...Workings

Last Friday, Jenn and I have finally confirmed the details for our upcoming Primary One Workshop for parents.

As parents, it is necessary that we are well tuned to what our children are expected to learn and know at various levels of their Primary school lives.
Mummies and daddies, if you have pre-school children, this workshop will also shape your kiddo’s foundation to prepare him/her for P1.
Just as it’s never too late, it’s never too early to start. :)

Many parents have expressed concern over Maths. Yes, Primary 1 Maths is really no joke BUT with consistent effort in teaching (your job) and learning (your child's job) the concepts, sure can one. This, I assure you. 
This coming Saturday, I will also be sharing with you the importance of showing workings. 
Nyla especially loves to 'settle' her sums mentally and sometimes, she would get them wrong. Wasted.
So my job was to develop Nyla's habit of showing all workings clearly from young.
Here are a few examples.

Sorry for making your heads tilt to read the workings.
Early morning neck exercise :p

I really need to develop the habit of showing all working clearly for Nyla and also my tutees as method marks will be awarded in the examinations.
Will explain about these more in detail this Saturday!

 Here are the details of the workshop:

WHAT: Ready Set Go....Blast off to Primary One! [English and Mathematics]
(Really 'blast off' okay, it ain't gonna be a slow and steady journey for your children one.)

WHEN: SATURDAY 1st December 2012

WHERE: Harmony Room 1, (Super near to Braddell MRT Station)

WHAT TIME: 11a.m. to 1p.m.

"INVESTMENT" : $75 (Wanna come alone can. With spouse can. With your 6 year old also can. Whatever it is, fixed at $75.)

Email me at 
I'll be home till 1p.m. to settle email enquiries. So just email away! :)

Those who have already registered, Jenn and I can't wait to see you this Saturday!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today marked the end of Nyla's Primary One journey.
If you were to ask her how was it for her the past 11 months, her answer would be,"GRRRRRRRREAT!"
(Selamat 'R' dia tak pelat macam mak dia. :p)

It definitely has been such an enjoyable experience for her.
I myself had lots of fun teaching her and friends!

Looking back, there were times I cursed the current education system.
How compostion and oral picture conversation were already introduced at P1.
How so many complicated concepts were just stuffed down the kids' throats.

I ain't letting my daughter be left behind la.
I also pondered about sending her to enrichment classes but Nyla wasn't keen.
"Mommy Pls ah. I already tuition what with you."
Mr E: Yah Mommy, she's only in Primary 1 anyway.
Her father backing somemore. 

Also, Nyla has been fortunate to have a caring form teacher, Mdm Patricia Goh.
Nyla adores her and thanks to her, Nyla has thrived academically and socially because she felt safe and comfortable to ask questions and share her input in the classroom.
Mdm Goh, thank you for being such a wonderful partner! (Parents+ Teachers= Children's success)

Nyla received her report book last week.
To say I am a proud momma and E, a proud paps would be a serious understatement.

We celebrated at Sengkang with my in laws last weekend.

With the 'bunos' (hehehe! Cute right my FIL!) received from all at Sengkang, she went shopping and bought the toy she has aimed for quite sometime.

And today was Nyla's Prize Giving Day.

E had an important meeting in school so he cannot anyhow take time off. :(
E: You better take many photos k. And video pon! 
Alritey Sir!

4 important people in Nyla's life attended her special event just now.

1. My mother. Duh. She also attended Parent's Chat last May remember?
"Kalau dia tak menang apa apa pon, Mak datang." (If she never win anything, I'll still come one)

My mother, my mentor and Nyla's cheerleader.

 2. Bah, my role model and Rooqy, Nyla's number 1 fan.

3. Jambi, my annoying brother and Nyla's annoying uncle.

FYI, all 3 of us siblings came from Qifa Primary School. :)

Back to Nyla.
She has reaped what she sowed.
Her eyes were sparkling when she told us the good news.


She kept saying," I can't believe it! I can't believe it!"

Little did she know that E and I believed her and will always continue to believe in her, whether she's the top, middle or bottom in class.

I'd also like to wish you parents and kiddos a big fat congratulations for having survived academic year 2012!
Remember that good results are just a  'bunos' (bak pepatah ayah mertuaku!), let's reward our children for the effort they have put in!

Happy school holidays and children....apa lagi, its PLAYTIME!

Monday, November 12, 2012

No more P.O (Paint odour) thanks to NIPPON PAINT!

At the bus stop yesterday and that ad there reminded me of my revamped home for Hari Raya.

Nice pose Booo Putra. :p

And my so beautiful Momento-ed wall.

All thanks to Nippon Paint.
Hard work definitely.

Really feel very grateful especially to all involved.
Apparently, Nippon Paint Singapore is also the official paint sponsor for power blogger Xiaxue's new home.
Cool stuff.

Back to the bus stop ad.

Not only did Nippon Paint enhance the look of my home, the team also reassured me that the paints they used for my home are all odourless.
Initially, I was worried a lil bit because I for one, cannot tahan unpleasant smells. 
In this case, P.O (paint odour!)

So, I was definitely relieved upon hearing that.

I knew that they have the odourless paints and my next question to them was whether those paints can also be easily washed.
This part important because sometimes, I spot Nyla's or my nephew Rooqy's finger or footprints on walls.

Joanne: Don't worry Nura, our  low VOC products are  health friendly. We have odourless paint products with superior washability features!"

Because Nippon Paint so reputable, of course they got this concern covered with their Odourless Premium All in One and Odour-less Easy Wash!

Their breakthrough formula reduces Volatile Organic Compounds  (VOC) levels to almost zero.
You get superb performance without pollutants (VOC) emitted into the air.
You will experience almost no paint odour during and after painting.
Hence no heavy metals and negligible VOC ensures that us homeowners do not need to compromise either our health or aesthetics of our homes.
Nippon Paint's Odour-less Easy Wash line also has DuPont Teflon technology, making it twice as easy to clean away fingerprints and scuff marks, while still making sure the beautiful colours you chose don't fade!
How ideal for households with odour-sensitive and allergy-prone occupants, as well as homes with walls that require frequent washing. :)

A* la for Nippon Paint's strong emphasis on both product innovation and eco friendliness.

Painting your house yourself can be quite leceh, you have to move the furniture, make sure everything is protected, prep all the surfaces and even wait for each coat to dry.
So I would definitely recommend leaving it to the professionals.
Nippon Paint's Professional Painting Service will send a team of certified and highly trained painters to your house, and they will take care of EVERYTHING, from site inspection to moving all the furniture back after they are done.
Basicall you can just sit back and chill. #likeaboss

What's more, Nippon is even having a Paint and Save promotion, where you can enjoy up to $300 off painting packages if you sign up before 31 Jan 2013.  
Whatcha waiting for?

For more information, do visit their website.
Also click like on their Facebook Page.
They have many interesting pictures in there. Hehehe..

And Happy Deepavali holidays darls!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bye Bye Bibik :'(

At home alone, feeling sad.
Juma, my domestic manageress, has left for her homeland yesterday.
She ain't coming back because with the money she has earned, she has already planned to buy a plot of land, cows and goats.
Very entrepreneurial this bibik of mine and we wish her the very best.

Booo Putra was the first she bade goodbye too.
Booo is not as noisy today...Guess he is feeling sad too. :(

The send off at the airport was very emotional.

How not to cry seh?
Juma, although sometimes she made my blood go upstairs, was of tremendous help to me the past 2 years.

I could juggle so many kinds of work while performing the work of motherhood simultaneously thanks to Juma.
I paid her to manage my household chores so that I could pursue my dreams.
Many dreams became realities for me the past 2 years and I must definitely credit her.

Past 2 years,
I've been coming home to a spick and span home.
E, Nyla and I never ran out of clothes to wear.
When I had work (tuition and viewings), she would babysit Nyla for me.
When I was too tired to mail out the togas/shawls/ponchos, she'd assist me.
When my feet ached, she'd massage them for me.
When I cooked, she'd do the marketing, prepare the ingredients and settle the cleaning up for me.
Days when E came home late, we'd be watching TV together or just chit chat.

How not to feel her loss?

I was worried though yesterday because Nyla was trying so hard to control her tears.
Never let go full steam one.
Really didn't want her to hold back on the emotions.
In the car, she teared a lil. But dia nak maintain...

Papa J dropped us off at ERA office because I had some work.
Nyla was very excited. I remember feeling very excited too whenever my dad brought me to his office last time.

After that, the initial plan was to go to Takashimaya because I have some vouchers to spend. (Thanks Muz!)
Nyla already said,"Half, I spend, the other half, you."
Ok la since it was a sad day for us, I agreed.

Toa Payoh pretty close to Shikin's home at Serangoon North and I asked Nyla whether she wanna play with Aunty Kin's kids instead.

Takashimaya 0 Playdate1.
Thank you for having us Kin! Hughugs!
We headed over to Serangoon North right away.
Spent only about 3 hours there since everyone has school the following day.

My father in law fetched us.
In the cab, Nyla was unusually quiet.
I know liao, that she was gonna lose it real soon.

"Bibik reached Solo airport already?"
"What time will she reach?"
"You think she will remember us?"

This part classic.

Nyla: Yola (Juma's daughter) is so lucky seh, get to see Bibik.
Me: Nyla, come on. That's her mother man. She hasn't seen her mother for more than 700 days you know.
(TWO  macam short compared to SEVEN HUNDRED. That's why I converted to days. lol)

Basically the whole journey's conversation was about Juma la ya.

The moment I unlocked the door, Nyla removed her shoes.
Turned around, looked at me straight in my eyes and wailed sooooooo LOUD,"MOMMY, I MISS BIBIK TOO MUCH!"
Finally, my daughter let her guard down.
I cried along with her and told her to take comfort in knowing that Juma is now happily reunited with her family, especially her daughter, Yola.

That and she's happily eating mangoes and watching 'Ombak Rindu' DVD with her family. Heheh!

During Juma's initial stages with us, of course, she did plenty of wrongs. Funny ones somemore.
The lock incident. If you're clueless, click HERE.

But, the table mat incident wins hands down.

I had guests coming over and I called Juma and asked her to put a table mat on the dining table.
She didn't even ask where the table mat I had in mind was.
Because she didn't ask, I assumed she'd know.
"Wah terror seh, dah automatik!"
So imagine our surprise when this greeted us.

A for effort la ah. Hehehehe.

Why are the tears still flowing when I am supposed to laugh about this? Aaarrrrgh!
Sedih ah beb.

I'm most probably hiring a new helper.
Apparently I just found out, some maid agencies charge high, some not so.
So, I really have to do proper research.
As much as I wanna save costs, must make sure that the helpers have been properly trained, etc.
As requested, I will most certainly share which agency my new helper will be from k.
My only wish is that the new helper will be problem free one.
Heard so many horror stories. Pretty scared.
If any of you working in maid agency (or you know anyone that does) and would like to recommend your agency, do email me at
Appreciate loads.

Back to Juma.
Thank you for handling the domestic chores.
Most of all, thank you for loving Nyla like your own.

We will always remember you.
*keyboard wet liao*